Professor George F.W. Haenlein, Ph.D., D. Sc.
Dr.George Haenlein is co-founder of the CapriDairyWorld organization, which was founded by Professor Young Park. Dr. Haenlein has more than 50 years experience as a dairy scientist, and well known for his research, and prolific scientific and popular publications, especially covering dairy goats. He has earned a D.Sc. degree from the University Hohenheim in Germany and a Ph.D. degree from the University Wisconsin-Madison. He has served more than 20 years as the Editor-in-Chief of the Small Ruminant Research Journal, and has authored the well-known books: “Extension Goat Handbook” and “Nutrient Requirements of Goats” besides co-authored the 5 books of Dr. Park. Dr. Haenlein is now a professor emeritus in the Department of Animal and Food Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
Dr. Haenlein has been a member of important national and international committees, including Chairman, Subcommittee Goat Nutrition, National Research Council (1975 – 1985), Chairman, Committee Extension Goat Handbook, USDA (1979-91), and several scientific journal Editorial Boards. He also has been an invited lecturer at many national and international dairy conferences and symposia.
Dr. Haenlein has published 156 refereed journal papers, books, book chapters and research bulletins, besides numerous popular articles and monthly research-extension publications in trade magazines about what is important and profitable in dairy cattle and dairy goat farming.
Dr. Haenlein’s eduational background and professional positions held are as follows:
- Education:
- Hohenheim, Germany; 1950. Dipl. Eng. Agr. (summa cum laude)
- Hohenheim, 1953. D.Sci. Agr. (Animal nutrition)
- University of Delaware, Newark, 1960, M.Sc. (Animal science)
- University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1972, Ph.D. (Dairy science)
- Professional Positions:
- Research Assistant, Dept. Animal Nutrition, Univ. of Hohenheim, 1948 - 1953
- Herdsman & Assistant Manager, Zeitler Dairy Farms, Inc., 1953 - 1957
- Research Associate, Dept. Animal & Poultry Science, University of Delaware, 1957-64
- Supervisor Dairy Herds, University Delaware, 1957 – 1999
- Assistant Professor, University Delaware, 1964 - 1969
- Research Assistant, University Wisconsin-Madison, 1966-68
- Associate Professor, University Delaware, 1969 - 1974
- Professor, University of Delaware, 1974 - 1999
- Professor emeritus, University of Delaware, 1999 –
- Editor-in-Chief, Small Ruminant Research Journal, 1989 -
- Director, University of Delaware Study Abroad Program, Vienna, Austria, 1977
- Acting Chair, Dept. Animal Science, University of Delaware, 1977
- State Extension Dairy Specialist, University of Delaware, 1978 - 1999